Day Fifteen: Cousteau Renovation

Serious Spring Cleaning was going on all day.

 Two big box trucks were here with large vacuums worked to remove all the dirty old insulation from the attic.​

Before and After

Now we can access the rest of the wiring and get all the issues resolved with that. We can also get rid of a lot of things that have no business being in the attic: old windows, wall paper, carpet scraps.  It isn't just old, old houses that have spooky attics.​

The Painters Rock On

Sanding and prepping of the house continues by day with oil based enamel being sprayed in the late afternoon and evening.  The Family Room entertainment center has its first coat of Black Magic, the Breakfast Room has Urbane Bronze and the Library Pure White.

Additionally they got the first coat of black enamel on one of the Guest Rooms and the White Flour on the mouldings in the East Bedroom.​  What's up with those pictures you ask?  Well while the enamel is wet or being applied it is "NO ENTRADA" around here so I take pictures through the bore for the door knob.  You can see Omar and Isaiah in their haz suits on the spraying the black shutters.

They make it look so easy, but don't kid yourself.  Getting black enamel to be slick is no mean feat!​​

We had such terrific rains that all the leaves were washed from the ground into a pile at one end of the front yard. ​

More Thursday!  Look forward to your comments and questions.​


UPDATE: 9:20 pm and the guys are still at it.  Dedicated bunch.  Glad I bought cupcakes today.